Sunday, September 27, 2020

DICE, chapter 348 (reader)

See you at the end of the break, some time in October!

DICE 348 

Here is original (click-support, then the author can put HP on his wrist and resume this sooner) and here is the latest browser-based English official release by LINE. (Via the smartphone application, you can read three more, paywalled chapters.)
In case you're wondering, yes, LINE will keep releasing the series during the author's break, as they always do, since they have a backlog of chapters to go through. So the gap will narrow, but not nearly close to vanishing. Thus, our operation will continue unchanged. By our estimations, they'll be still three months behind us by the time the series resumes, even if that only happens in the end of October. (Besides, their typesetting sucks.)

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