Friday, February 24, 2017

DICE, chapter 180 (reader)

Here it is, one of the longest chapters we have ever done!

DICE 180

In a rainy day, we might do last week's author announcement. For a mere fill-in for a week without chapters, it was quite wordy.

Here is the original (clicking is caring) and here is the latest English official version by LINE.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

DICE, chapter 178 (reader)

Here it is!

DICE 178

There was no room for credits, but apart from Fábio and yours truly, we had help from Veta for redrawing. As for the translation, the script, as visitors of this blog know, was provided by JiYoung Kim and revised by Jin.

The original is here (clicking is caring!) and the latest official English release by LINE is here.