Wednesday, April 19, 2017

DICE, chapter 187 (reader)

Almost back in sync with Korea…

DICE 187

The original is here (your clicks put bread on the author's table), and the latest English official release by LINE is here.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

DICE, chapter 186 (reader)

Here it is!

DICE 186

This is the original (by all means visit it), and this is the latest official English version by LINE.

Chapter 187 is at redrawing now.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Well, these have been hectic weeks, for Jin and for me.

Chapters 186 and 187 are typeset, and 186 is almost completely redrawn, but it's a very hard chapter and the final redraws are devilish. As for 187, it's not terribly hard, nor terribly easy. So hang in there, please!