Sunday, November 25, 2018

DICE, chapter 261 (reader)

Jin is back! \o/

DICE 261

Here is the original (I'm sure you don't give two thoughts to clicking the damnedest stuff in the web, so why should you hesitate to help the author out?) and here is the latest English official release by LINE.

And we're back to our normal schedule!

Top comments on the Korean page of this chapter, selected by Jin: (Highlight to read.)

- Could the final die revive… a dead webtoon?
- Today's content: hit someone while walking. I’ve been robbed of 20 cents.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

DICE, chapter 260 (reader)

Jin is back! \o/

DICE 260

Here is the original (come on, it's not like your finger will cramp from clicking!) and here is the latest English official release by LINE.

We'll be catching up with the Korean chapters within the week. As you can see in the Updates tab, as of this post chapter 261 is already translated. However, I'll only have time to typeset it on Saturday night, when 262 will be already out. But hang in there!

Friday, November 16, 2018

DICE, extra 179.5 (reader)

I've been wanting to release this extra for quite a while.

One of the reasons this series ranks so high in my estimation is its art. Frankly, I think it towers above all the other webtoons. Trinity wonder and Her summon are the only other ones that come to my mind in terms of art, but they are no match for DICE (in my opinion, of course). And no, I'm not a fan of the art in ToG.

This little extra was released more than a year ago and it explains the author's techniques a little.

Of course, we also wanted to boast that only we, the scanlators, bothered to convey to Anglosphere readers all pieces of DICE-related material. Fortunately, this chapter only needed cleaning and typesetting.

DICE 179.5

Here is the original (this guy's story of the previous two years is all the more reason for you to click it!). There's no official LINE release because the tramps over there never bothered to translate it, the lazy bastards.

Chapter 260 will take a few more days, by the way. I'm on a trip and that has caused a delay in cleaning and thus in everything else. I hope to catch up next week.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

DICE, chapter 259 (reader)

Enjoy the chapter!

DICE 259

Here is the original (some of you fans of a certain character will want to reward the author for this chapter, so click it!) and here is the latest English official release by LINE.

No place for credits this time, so a tip of the hat to Jay and Velosiped!

Friday, November 2, 2018

DICE, chapter 258 (reader)

Enjoy the chapter!

DICE 258

Here is the original (click on, click on until you see headlines about a Korean manhwaga being flooded in money) and here is the latest English official release by LINE.

In addition to our good friend and back-up Jay, welcome our back-up-turned-regular Velosiped, who redrew this chapter while Damien was busy in real life.