Saturday, March 30, 2019
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
A little free time on my hands…
… so I convinced likcoras and Kuroto to help me out with something different:
Jumping over 5
I happen to like bullying in school as a theme, if well done. This one's takes a slow approach, focusing on a female protagonist that's slowly transitioning from being just a plain Jane character to a bully victim. We get to see her thought process and the bullies are not over-the-top monsters, just believable, garden variety despicable human beings. There's some sci-fi stuff, too.
This is a very informal release, and I think it unlikely we'll continue on it unless a translator and at least two editors were to volunteer to join us, 'cause I don't have time to do it in a regular basis. That's why the link above goes to Mangadex and not to Death Toll's reader, and we don't have the proverbial link to the original chapter.
As for DICE, still no sign of a new chapter. They did announce the series would come back in March. What they didn't say is whether it would show up both in the paywall and as a public release. In the past, the author made three chapters at once, but only one of them was released publicly, the other two forming the usual paywall buffer. But it's possible they'll release just on the paywall first and we'll have to wait a little longer to see the next chapter. Stay tuned.
Jumping over 5
I happen to like bullying in school as a theme, if well done. This one's takes a slow approach, focusing on a female protagonist that's slowly transitioning from being just a plain Jane character to a bully victim. We get to see her thought process and the bullies are not over-the-top monsters, just believable, garden variety despicable human beings. There's some sci-fi stuff, too.
This is a very informal release, and I think it unlikely we'll continue on it unless a translator and at least two editors were to volunteer to join us, 'cause I don't have time to do it in a regular basis. That's why the link above goes to Mangadex and not to Death Toll's reader, and we don't have the proverbial link to the original chapter.
As for DICE, still no sign of a new chapter. They did announce the series would come back in March. What they didn't say is whether it would show up both in the paywall and as a public release. In the past, the author made three chapters at once, but only one of them was released publicly, the other two forming the usual paywall buffer. But it's possible they'll release just on the paywall first and we'll have to wait a little longer to see the next chapter. Stay tuned.
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