Monday, August 31, 2015

DICE Ch. 111

Not a people person. Nope, definitely not a people person. Enjoy..


  1. Thanks for the chapter

  2. Thanks for the update^^

  3. - Sick, awesome skill. But gravity skill is quite common in other manga. Also I doubt Taebin would lose to this skill, he could just Teleport away.
    - Mio sees Mooyoung
    - The teacher grabs Eunju that easily, makes me wonder what is Mio doing, her actual ability and senses are so poor.

    1. - Yeah, I thought that as well. One explanation could be that the gravity field prevents teleportation in the way that a black hole traps everything within it, even light. Or simply that the combination of shock and surprise has prevented Taebin from collecting himself.

      - Yeah, Mio saw Mooyoung, I commented it on Mangahelpers. Glad that other people are noticing! I'm also wondering whether the gravity field could cause the two to split apart, but that would be too much of an Ass Pull.

      - Yeah, I wonder whether over-reliance on Clairvoyance, which only works on the thing or person the user is looking directly at, doesn't cause people to become actually LESS aware of their surroundings.

    2. Its me again from chapter 109 :D

      ^^ It seems Taebin isnt using teleport due to straight shock. As it seems when we got his old memories the ones in between seemed more real to him,

      - Also on the topic of Mio, compared to all the A Rankers she is the weakest due to the amount of point put into her looks + having the currently weakest power (which we have yet to see its special abilities only it boosted with store bought items)
      The guy who grabs Eunju is also a A-Ranker who probably has quiet a few dice by now and so is prob about equal to Mio so I'd say in that situation she had no chance in hell of noticing due to he came behind them and she was in front of Eunju etc.
      - But plot hole, when she walked into the room she would of seen his "profile" appear and noticed somebody was there. (Earlier it was shown that Clairvoyance shows the profile on everything in sight with any importance (the author just seems to only draw the one bubble because who wants to draw 1000 profiles a picture).

      - Finally on the note of the dual personality thing, this isn't really at all a dual personality thing. (If the final dice couldnt revive him I'd agree but it can). Its more like a demon possessing a body then using the power in it to give itself form. But really the nitty gritty dosn't matter.

      - What does matter though is the fact that A) Mooyoung at the cost of dice can take over Taebins body, so are we going to see him do this now get the 4th dice and then you know get out. B) Why could Taebin not move in time pause since he had Mooyoungs powers (we know this because mooyoung uses teleport and time pause while in taebins body) (So really PLOT HOLE) C) When Taebin gets 4 dice, and Mooyoung is revived thats gonna take away Taebins dice.... hope it dosnt kill him.

    3. Also going off of B why did Taebin not notice the powers in his phone.......?

    4. - Teacher Kim is an A-Ranker, but only has collected a few Dice (at most a dozen), because he became a Dicer yesterday. He is still probably stronger than Mio, but not because of Dice, but because she chose looks over skills.

      - Nope, no plot hole. As you say, the profiles appear for everything in sight, but it is direct sight. The profile doesn't pop up in front of Mio, it pops up floating above the teacher's head, meaning she has to look at him to see it. Since she doesn't know he is hiding to her right, she didn't look in that direction.

      - The actual status of Mooyoung is a matter of semantics, my point remaining the same.

      - B) Mooyoung can use Taebin's powers because he knows he has them as contrarily to Taebin, he didn't lose his memories. My guess is that Mooyoung's powers are locked to Taebin due to his unawareness of having them. It may also be because Mooyoung is the dominant part. Even now he knows Mooyoung is inside him he cannot use Psychokinesis and Time Pause. My explanation is that the relationship is asymmetric. Which makes total sense, otherwise it would be very risky for Mooyoung to use other people as hosts if there is a chance of their assuming control over his powers. After all, Taebin doesn't have Mooyoung's monstrous strength and near-invulnerability. C) We don't know what will happen when Mooyoung awakens. It may be possible that he won't even split out, just the Taebin's body will change into his and Taebin will be forever trapped inside, which explains why Mooyoung had multiple profiles even before he met Taebin.

    5. As for the phone, it probably has to do with the asymmetry: the info only appears to Mooyoung because he is the dominant part and Taebin is just the host.

    6. With all this talk about the abilities and plot holes, I kinda seem to remember that there was a time when, during Dongtae's time pause, someone that looked a lot like Mooyoung moved, which probably would imply that that person has Time Pause as well, but it can't be Dawn since she only has levitation, and I can't quite remember where Taebin was at that time. My memory might be a bit hazy but who the hell was that?

    7. The silhouette was Mooyoung's, but it could have been Taebin in disguise. That happened during the Mutual Aggression Quest in the Light & Shadow Arc. Taebin had just left the classroom ahead of Dongtae, by the way.

  4. Thanks for the new chapter.

  5. I winder, when naver will add new music chapter. I liked previoys ones.

  6. I winder, when naver will add new music chapter. I liked previoys ones.

  7. I winder, when naver will add new music chapter. I liked previoys ones.

  8. The teacher makes a mistake, Tabein really likes Eunju... he will awake Mooyoung's personality to save her.

    El maestro realmente cometio un error Tabein esta enamorado de Eunju... El probablemente despertara a Mooyoung's para salvarla a ella.

  9. Wow talk about cowardly! That teacher knows no bounds. Thanks for the translation~!

  10. sorry for giving the late comment here kkkk thanks for the translation ^^ waiting for the webtoon update will eat much time tho. hwaiting!

  11. As always, thanks a lot for your hard work! ^^
    Ex-girl-friend and gravity, I wonder which one is the scariest? :p


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