Wednesday, May 1, 2019

DICE, chapter 277 (reader)

This one we managed to do quickly, International Labour Day and all. We're caught up again, too.

DICE 277

Here is the original (you click, you see, he wins) and here is the latest English official release by LINE.

And speaking of that, we need a redrawer for the final stretch of this series. Details at the end of the chapter.

By the way, let me do something unorthodox and point everyone to check out this amazing new webtoon, Dark Mortal. (The link is to an aggregator, Mangadex. You don't need to register, but maybe you do for long-strip viewing.)

It has a solid start, with a very small resemblance to DICE, in that an outcast gets involved with a supernatural entity and gains power from that. But the setting is completely different and much darker in tone. (Though in a way, DICE has gone to aspects of human nature that I'd rather not be reminded of so often.)

It's being scanlated by the good gents of 5o5 Scans, who, contrary to us, are in sync with the new times and have a Discord instead of our antedeluvian blog. They do an outstanding edition work! Make sure to pay your respects to them if you like the series!

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