Saturday, November 22, 2014

DICE Ch. 71- Taebin (Mooyoung) I

That's right- a back to back update! Target had this 'buy $50 of food and get a $10 gift card' thing so I bought the unhealthiest food possible to binge on while translating. Thank you always to Splicer and Kfmnpah (I swear, they're like robots- the speed and perfection is real). Enjoy~


  1. thats all? i think there are missing pictures

    1. Nah, if you check the raw it's the same. Unless you think the author missed some pages.

  2. Damn that Eunju getting more and more irritating by the minute. Its good to have morals and self disciplines but when's she gonna learn that it doesn't mean she could force it upon others.

    1. Sure, just let the two teenagers fight each other to the death in a public place.

    2. But it's not like she has the power to stop them.

    3. At least she cares. I bet you'll be one of the people who just sit around and take photos of people fighting and post it to facebook like you care

    4. I mean, should she sacrifice herself instead? There's being a good samaritan, and there's being reckless with your life. Also, videotaping a fight is smart as it could be instrumental in assisting an investigation.

    5. You have a point, and I do admit she is being reckless, but criticising her for her recklessness is different from criticising her morals and the value she attaches to life.

      But yes, at times Eunju behaves almost as if she had a death wish.

    6. I actually like her for sticking to her morals.

      *spoiler alert*

      However, it seems like she got interested in that changing the world bit. I think someone important to her died or something so maybe she wants to bring that person back to life. Maybe something to do with the scars on her back. I hope she doesn't get corrupted but the way this is going it might happen. O.O

    7. I've just had a thing against her since the beginning, but for different reasons from the original poster and it all due to her naivete. Hell, "be the change you want to see". If you think dicing is wrong, that's fine, but have you looked at both sides? Imagine the good that could be done. He may have failed, but at least Dongtae tried to wrangle in these kids. In this last chapter, though, there may have been glimpses she is changing.

    8. I'm afraid the problem are not the Dice, it's the quest system. Even if the Dicer is well-intentioned, the quests X gives off are inherently malicious, and can be outright evil. So any benefits from using Dice points to do good are offset by the harm that is caused in procuring them.

      Eunju has realised this; Dongtae hasn't. Therefore, he is the naïve one, not she.

      (This is a very synthetic version of my argument, but I've written walls of text about it elsewhere.)

    9. Lisa in zankyou no terror (MASSIVE SPOILERS) is not useless she was the only "normal" person to interact with nine and twelve and she was the one who was tasked with carrying on they're past. If she wasn't they're then the ending wouldn't have ever been as good and all the things that happened wouldn't have had such an impact on us the viewers so ent say she's a useless birch

    10. Ive been binge reading this comic for a couple of days now and I, too, am not a big fan of Eunju, mainly because of how flat and one-dimensional she is. She lack a real character flaw, something that would make me invested in the character. She has not had an impact on the plot whatsoever, other than being a damsel in distress for Dongtae to save, during a "a long day" arc. Combine that with hints of a tragic and painful past((which is, more often than not, a cheap and artificial way of garnering sympathy for a character) and you've got yourself a typical Mary Sue.

      Not saying she has to be a bad-ass action girl, but fucking do something meaningful already. And no, desperately trying to stop a fight and getting thrown aside effortlessly, does not count, since there wouldve been no difference whether she did so or not.

    11. Ok, I registered your opinion and of course you are entitled to it.

      I disagree completely, on every single point, and hold a completely opposite view of the one who is my favourite female character in this series, but I have argued about it extensively elsewhere and don't feel like reproducing it here.

      If you would like to see a different interpretation of Eunju's character, you can refer to my comments on the discussion thread at Mangahelpers. Comments #99, #107, #109 (in and out of the spoiler box), #111 and #113 cover (some) of the points. I have written much more about it in the comment section at Batoto, but it is walls and walls of text and I doubt you are interested (or on anything I have to say in the subject, for that matter, and why should you be?).

      In any case, let's agree to disagree. I am used to Eunju haters and people who are indifferent to her. Taste is taste and nothing can be done about it.

  3. Thanks for uploading the chapter, can barely wait to get to know even more of the past and how will it turn out for Eunju? Do they have enough passionate feelings to blow off their attacks on each other?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I also appreciate you translating this for us, thanks.

  4. For those who prefer full resolution (there was also a minor improvement), the chapter has been uploaded to our reader.

  5. Eunju and Dongtae in a final battle for the 1/16 slot. You heard my prediction here first.

    1. I find it unlikely (and it is not really a new theory, people have speculated about that since Eunju learned what the Final Die does). Eunju only has three Dice and during the PVP stage X does not seem to be issuing new quests, and certainly is not issuing Golden Die quests.

      In other words, even if she rolled a triple six and got 18 points, Eunju wouldn't be able to improve herself enough to take on an average B-Ranker (those two fighting on the rooftop had collected around 60 Dice each), to say nothing of taking on A-Rank monsters like Daewoong and Miju. An average A-Ranker like Mio has collected 125 Dice, so no way Eunju can join the party as things are.

      If she goes to the dark side at all, I'd say it will be out of desperation for her sister and she will probably accept some dirty task from X or Mooyoung to betray Dongtae or Taebin in exchange for help.

    2. Good points all around. But how about the possibility of these two fighting at the soda machine and the one who wins is within a inch of defeat. Eunju rolls her dice to become a dicer and finishes off the other to collect all the dice and two A-rank abilities at once? A bit far fetched I know but... Also, something that was shown early on but only touched on with a brief panel since is the scarring on Eunju's back. I originally thought it may have been from some sort of abuse when first seen but there was what seemed to be a brief flashback showing a car wreck. That has to work out in the story eventually or it wouldn't have been written in.

    3. What if some barelly alive dicer falls in the midst of a battle, drops tons of dices that have no owner. If she grabs it its gg.
      Still i think its too late for her. Regading the ability stealing thing, what if someone has 2 abilities and gets beaten..?the 2 ones goes for the dicer who takes it down?

    4. Interesting!
      Highly unlikely that Eunju will do that, can't imagine how Eunju will go crazy and collect the dices.

      But the author has been focusing on Eunju for sometime, for sure she has a role to play, so who knows. She can just steal the dices from 2 person infront of her.

    5. I think that if u defeat an A ranker and they have 2 abillities u will only get the original ability of that dicer

    6. Splicer you said something strange in your reply:
      'If she goes to the dark side at all, I'd say it will be out of desperation for her sister'

      we have had no mention of any siblings of Eunju so far, thus leading me to believe that you know something we don't, a reasonable conclusion given that you help churn out Dice! XD

    7. Nah, I'm just jumping to conclusions… but only a little. I'm assuming the piano-playing girl we see in the quick flashback a few chapters ago was a sister of Eunju's who beat her at everything and was incapacitated in the car crash we see in the same flashback. Believe me, I don't know anything about Eunju you don't, too.

    8. But also if her sister is incacitated then wouldn't Eunju introduce dice to her sister instead of roll the dice herself + I believe that maybe mooyoung stops time and saves Eunju from the pen knife thing and maybe get her to roll the dice... Just a thought :P

    9. Maybe she is in a coma and cannot roll the Dice for herself.

    10. But if she's in a coma then eunju could make her sister roll the dice by holding her hand and throwing them for her ;)

    11. Yes, but then her sister would be unable to make a conscious choice of how to allocate the points. The Dice would remain red indefinitely.

  6. I hope they show mooyung's face in the flashback *fingers crossed*

  7. I wonder what will Euju do, if she knows Taebin is also a dicer..

    1. I think she knows already, he broke up with her when she asked for confirmation a couple of chapters ago. What she wants to know is whether he is also an A Ranker.

  8. I have read all the post so far and chapters, only to conclude that perhaps Eunju will most definably change, weather, it's for the good or the bad, I mean, it's great that she's goodie-two-shoes and all, with a terrible sad tragic past about MAYBE loosing her "younger better than her sister", (I thought, that this prediction sounded a bit more reasonable.XD) But thing is, if her character doesn't change than she will not have an important role in this story. (which I'm guessing everyone knows, if you have been reading all the chapters.) Anyhow, things are changing and this plot is becoming more interesting(more complicated, too!) by the chapters.

    I'm also wondering, how far does the history of Mooyoung and X, go back to (Besides the idea that they have already fought each other.)? Isn't the boy from the first chapter(chapter 0), X? Or not? Mmm, I'm open to suggests. Like, where they best friends in the slums? or what? Did X personally help Mooyoung to become the first A-ranker? Did someone betray someone? Or what?

    I'm also curious about the romance going on so far, doesn't Eunju still like Taebin, and Dongtae still likes her and Taebin "might" have gain feelings for her as well? Actually, I'm not all that sure he has those feelings for her, anyway. I'm guessing this is a love triangle, than?

    Even so, what would happen IF Dongtae manages to beat all the A-ranker (including Mooyoung) and defeat X, what will he decide to do with the final dice? Will he want for the dice never to have existed or will he create a better society?

    Too many questions left unanswered, so I can't wait for the next chapter!

  9. Chapter 72 has been uploaded to the reader. Jin will probably put it here later.


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