Saturday, November 8, 2014

quick note

ch 69 was like morphine to relieve the pain of dice-lessness
my "hiatus" status isn't off
but honestly
i'm not too sorry.
oh gosh i sound like an awful person
but translating isn't all fun and joy.
and this ended more like an angsty drabble
i'm sorry
this time i really mean it


  1. Jin, I may be one of the most addicted DICE fans around, but I say to you in all honesty…

    The day you don't have fun anymore should be the day you stop.

    This is not work or an obligation or a chore. It's a hobby. If it is causing you distress, its purpose is defeated.

    Of course, I'm banking on the word "all". You said it's not "all" fun and joy, so I hope "some", or "most" of it is.

    Your contribution is already invaluable for the readership of this series, so there is no reason to apologise. And if you decide to stop, we will squirm on the floor in agony for a while, but then live with it. As I said some time ago, rest assured of our gratitude no matter how far you go.

    After the midterms are over, I suggest you prolong your break a little to relax before resuming translation… or not.

    1. I don't mind it too terribly much, but I just don't love it. It's like practicing an instrument.

      But yeah, I'll be around at least until chapter 90 (hopefully).
      And if I can't, maybe I can convince my brother to pick it up...

    2. I'm impressed you can plan twenty weeks ahead for a hobby you aren't incredibly enthusiastic about!

      I don't play an instrument, but I learned four foreign languages and it is about the same… lots and lots of practice before you can accomplish anything of consequence, be it playing a wonderful tune or carrying a sophisticated conversation.

      What I can say is that I scanlate manga (and this manhwa) out of necessity. I understand you completely: it's much better to be a reader and not have to care about translation, cleaning, typesetting and quality-checking. I do it when I notice other people won't anytime soon (as with DICE, which Silent Sky had effectively dropped and Lonemanga was doing at a half-hearted pace when you started).

      The gratitude of readers gives one a good feeling, as does the perception that you are sharing something nice with thousands of other people who would be unable to know it if not for your hard work. I also like the social component of scanlation - discussing the series in comment sections with other interested readers. I write walls of text about DICE at Mangahelpers.

      But it is a lot of work. To think that before Kfnmpah and I arrived you were doing it alone on MS Paint… when I told it to my veteran colleagues in scanlation, I can tell you you earned a lot of respect.

      I suggest, then, that you reconsider your decision of doing other series. DICE seems to take a significant toll already. If you work on two or three weekly series, you might snap before long. Don't mind me, I can live without Nowhere Boy and someone is bound to pick it up one day.

      For how long you keep doing this, I will, and I suspect so will Kfnmpah, try our best to reduce your workload to a minimum.


    3. Hi Jin ! Whatever your choice is (stopping or continuing), you have my thanks for giving me chapters to read. =)

      From your comments, I have the feeling that you should really think about what you want to do with this manga... you have no obligation to translate for us. It takes time, isn't easy, and you don't love it. It's honestly a waste of time for you.
      Ok, you'll have our thanks and our gratitude, but is it what you really want ? Maybe you could use this time for things you love.

      Well, anyway, I'm nobody to tell you what to do. It's just my I think. Your happiness first, ours after, you're no messie tosacrifice yourself for the happiness or others.
      And it's the same for us. ;)

      All in all, thank you Jin.

  2. To be honest, the only other series that I am interested in(that you were thinking of translating), Red Storm has got a huge bump in the speed of the translation - it is in the high 20s now. Anyway, what I am trying to say is, the world keeps going round if you are translating or not. I am extremely sceptical that any of the current translators will catch up to you, but given the void you will leave behind when you stop translating, it is perfectly reasonable some other person will start where you left off. This is not your duty, and you do not need to soldier through it if you do not feel like it.

    Not to say that I don't appreciate your work(I do so very much), but just try to leave other people's expectations out of your decision making process - at least in this case. Anyway, that's my two cents.

  3. As Splicer and Baran have said thank you again for all your hard work for literally thousands of randoms on the Internet. I sometimes think about how much easier it would be for you to just read it in Korean and then not have to translate anything for anyone but here you are with this blog doing what you can on a whim. Should you decide to put this to rest for good just know that for every angry little comment about you dropping it or not keeping up with speed know there are ten other comments that are very grateful for the work you contribute to release DICE for us.

    Anyways enough rambling from me. Thank you for chapter 69!!!!

  4. Simply put thank you for DICE and your hard work.

    Don't strain yourself says the human compassionate side of me the addict however..........well you understand lool.

    BUT SERIOUSLY THANK YOU. The void you leave behind (if you do) will be felt but don't worry we will survive it.

  5. Thank you for the hard work.

    Don't strain yourself!

  6. Thankyou and thankyou...
    i hope someone continue the scanlation if you decide to stop...
    thank you for the hardwork. I have a really good time with your work jin

  7. If you decide not to continue in the future and your brother picks it up, I will love him forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Thank you Jin, Splicer and everyone else that made this happen!

  8. Thank you very much for going through all the trouble of translating this series!! I'll be forever in debt with you! I've just started on this series a couple of days ago (Lie ~started yesterday ^_^) and I'm already on Ch. 69. It was a lot of luck to find your site, most of the 'scan groups' had stopped translating this series far behind 60 0.0

    Well, wrapping this up: Thx a lot again! It was awesome too see this quality in the scans! And.. Have a nice hiatus!! - Rafael M

  9. Fuck what everyone says, please don't leave dice. We need you Jin, I know I'm being very selfish right now but it's the truth. you're our one and only hope. I don't mind if there are delays but please don't leave us

    1. You're just putting pressure on her. Have some respect.

    2. Nobody owes you anything in life. Grow up.

  10. Maybe you can post only script, for me it will be enough

    1. Jin is the translator, what is taking her time and causing her distress is precisely generating the script. All editing since chapter 57 has been done by Kfnmpah and I.


Thanks for your comment! It'll be posted shortly after review (we've had some spam lately).