Wednesday, September 3, 2014

AN CH 55/56

Pinky promise to get chapters 55 and 56 by saturday night.  by tomorrow. 56 by saturday.
It may not be the redrawn version but I'm going to upload it anyway. For those of you that want to read the redrawn version, you'll have to wait a couple more days.

And also
Chapter 57 by Monday
Because I feel guilty about the double release (originally planned on releasing one chapter yesterday and another friday but stuff came up)


  1. Looking forward to it, but… doesn't it quite defeat the purpose of a less polished scan if it comes out after Lonemanga's release? They have caught up to you and if they keep the pace…

    1. Yes, I will take down the blog once lonemanga catches up.
      I actually have chapters 59 - 62 translated (again, this whole blog was a favor for a friend) but I absolutely HATE not posting chapters in chrono order. Just one of my pet peeves and I don't want to go all Tokyo Ghoul on you guys.
      But yeah, sorry for making the reply too long. Hope you guys enjoyed the few chapters :D

  2. YOU WHAT!? Sir, I can be your cleaning and typesetting slave in real time if I can lay my hands on those scripts!!

    By the way, the Splicer here.

    1. Well, it was inevitable. This is actually a win-win situation for dice fans so I'm fine with it.
      If I release quickly, lonemanga will most likely hasten their speed. So moar and faster releases for everyone.

      By the way, if you don't mind, can you send me your email? I have something to send to you as a thank you.

    2. (oh yeah, for clarification, this is my other email. I'm working on an essay right now and I didn't bother to sign out)

  3. Hi Jin Kim
    Thx for the new releases chapter 55 was just mind blowing *_*
    I've got a question. By the time lonemanga will catch up to you, have you thought of doing a new Webtoon here on a diffrent blog? I really like your work and because it's only one project the releases are always so fast. I can guess that it is a lot of work keeping such releases up but if you would decide to do another webtoon which no group translates yet it would be awesome :D

    Greets from switzerland :)

    1. If you have any good ones in mind, leave a comment or email me and I'll take a look at it. If I like it, I can start on it immediately (after all, if I find it a bore, it'd be awful translating it for hours).

    2. Well actually I have a good one in mind. It'called fable. You can have a look at it on batoto. Some group translated a few chapters, but stop afterwards. The Art is beautiful and the story sounds interessting too.

    3. Thanks, I'll check it out and update a post if I decide to pick it up.

  4. Sounds good:) and Thx for the new chapter :D that's how I like Dongtae, stupid eujun :)


Thanks for your comment! It'll be posted shortly after review (we've had some spam lately).