Tuesday, December 30, 2014

DICE Ch. 76

Happy New Year's! This chapter has BGM (background music). I promise clicking on the play button won't give you Trojans. Music box thingy doesn't show up? Go to this link (aka raw): http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=557676&no=81

I Saw You In My Dream by The Rock Diamond on Grooveshark

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

DICE Ch. 75

Merry (Early) Christmas! I realize that this isn't politically correct, but this is a blog for goodness sake, so no raging plez. Also, I'm going to try to update my progress on the "Update" page from now on. And of course, a round of applause to Splicer and Kfmnpah for all your help!

Edit: Fixed panels/deleted extra panels
Raw Link/Support the author