Friday, December 12, 2014

DICE Ch 74

Whoot! Early update (mainly because I'll be busy this weekend). I can't help but think that some comments in DICE are just really... silly? At one point, not-really-much-of-a-spoiler-alert Eunju states that she can't get through the barrier. Eunju. You said it yourself- it's a barrier. Well, enough of me spouting thoughts.. As always, thank you to Splicer and Kfmnpah for your amazing work! Enjoy~


  1. Hahaha, so that's what you meant when you wrote you doubted Eunju sometimes in the script, Jin!

    I have to agree, the comment is silly. Maybe she was so astonished by the supernatural antics going on that Eunju lost the ability to think straight.

    But I can't wait to see who will win the bet!

  2. So Taebin was the 7th A-ranker in the group?
    That explains how Mooyoung get to collect all 6 abilities and challenged X, while Taebin gets to keep his ability.
    But Taebin has yet to confessed his feelings and the fight has already started.

    1. Yeah, that's what I find strange. It may be a minor plot inconsistency, but let's wait and see.

    2. X may have started it earlier than planned to avoid them finding out more about him.

    3. Mac, you might be right that X started it earlier than planned, X is after all in charge of the quest-making so when it became apparent that they were going to look for his identity, he might have made the sixth person's quest content easier just in the nick of time. When hell broke loose, they all probably gathered at the roof which we all have seen, it was probably then that Taebin got into the picture and saw the chaotic situation, he probably deemed it proper to let out all his worries before it was too late, seeing that it might had been the last chance to get an answer. Anyway~ thanks for the chapter, can barely wait to see how this all unfolds itself, it's such an intriguing story after all and further more, I wish to see all those potential skills they could learn! *____*

    4. I don't think it is an inconsistency. first has 6 A's and is referenced by a dice. the second time X is shown playing a chess like game with only one color and smashing the pieces together. (16 pieces to a side)

  3. Who the hell is mooyoung? why couldn't she read his profile?
    i really want to know what is his whole story!
    thanks again for this chapter!

    1. Maybe "what" is better than "who" here… and no, I know nothing about it. The raws for 75 and 76 are cleaned, but no information I could discern on that matter.

    2. Not sure what else I can do but Thank You!!

    3. might be, I'm not a native speaker :).
      Dice is one of the comics that i just cant wait for the next episode!

    4. No, I'm not correcting your English, I was saying that "What is Mooyoung?" may be better because right now it is not even clear that Mooyoung is a person, so "Who" may not apply to him.

    5. Oh, didnt think about it like that.
      wonder what's his connection to x, because he's definitely weird

    6. Face of Mooyoung is not shown, but he reminds me Dongtae somehow.

    7. Same here, Mooyoung's size, posture, etc... make me think about Dongtae since some time now. :o Wonder if he's some kind of Dongtae from the future (with Time Stop evolved to the point of going to the past :))

    8. That is an awesome theory actually, but if it is correct- why would he go back in time to challange x?

  4. So, in the end X was that prologue kid afterall.....:/

  5. Maybe... Mooyoung could be the kid of the prologue 0-0

  6. or maybe, Mooyoung was the previous X


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