Saturday, January 17, 2015

DICE Ch. 78

Okay, I was messing around with the settings on the blog and I changed the comment option. Aaaand I have no idea how to change it back. The box with the comment options went poof on me, so, goodbye old comment system. And also, in addition to the lovely Splicer and Kfmnpah, we had the help of Xarix and Kabuto93 for redraws. Thank you for your hard work :D Enjoy~


  1. And... nothing happened

  2. Man so many people hate Eunju just because she's a decent person who happens to wish for things that can't be given with dice (friends and living family, if the flashbacks are any indication).

    1. Eunju is just sittin' around (figuratively) doing NOTHING, she could al least try to destroy DICE since I don't recall her readin' the rules that say they cant be, or lock away the DICE somewhere in a safe place but no; and even when she clearly stated she is against DICE, and said she wouldn't become a DICEr, for some stupid reason she carries the DICE arround EVERYWHERE she goes... WHY????

    2. "she's a decent person who happens to wish for things that can't be given with dice" and that's all she does: wish. "Be the change that you wish to see in the world."

    3. I will gloss over the angry rant, as Eunju-hating has reached emotional levels, but let me just point out that DICE are indestructible.

      I have discussed extensively elsewhere the problems of getting rid of Dice, so I'll just ignore the rest.

      As for "be the change", I have also discussed that, so no news there.

    4. she could still bury them somewhere, idk maybe even make a trap for dicers using the dices as bait lol. The thing is that Enju has had an easy life (at least her tragic past hasn't been revealed yet) and now that she is in a somewhat shitty situation (dongtae's situation was way worse than just being ignored) she can't handle it, and X is going to take advantage of that and corrupt her. I assure you that she'll become dongae's enemy in the future, at least temporarily.

    5. Actually, Eunju has gone through much worse than anything Dongtae has experienced, and she has dealt with it without succumbing to the temptation of Dice or losing her morality.

      In the Long Day Arc, she was kidnapped, locked in a cupboard, nearly raped by Gilma, persecuted by the whole school who wanted to humiliate her and harm her physically, and almost thrown off the roof in chapter 36.

      Since then she has been the target of general hatred, subject to slander, pinned down and threatened with a razor by random people, lost all her friends, lost her hobby, lost her boyfriend (in the middle of the street, after lying to her all the time), her school material has been deliberately damaged...

      She is waaaaay braver than Dongtae, if we go by the measure of how long a person holds before accepting specious promises from an unknown entity.

    6. That was one day. Dongtae went through that on a daily basis. Except Dongtae didn't have someone to come rescue him, he only had himself. Taebin offered him a chance to change his situation. Eunju ever remains the spectator. Not to mention, how did he get his dice? Oh, by doing chores and other generally good deeds, reflecting his inner nature.

    7. I'm not criticising Dongtae, I like him as a character. Nor am I denying his suffering, I am only pointing out that much more extreme things happened to Eunju. Contrarily to her, he never had his own LIFE in danger.

      And no, he wasn't only doing chores. He played quite a few pranks, and one of them caused Byungchul to be viciously bullied (re-read chapter 09) and thus triggered the sequence of events that resulted in his death and all the foul things that have been happening. Sure, Dongtae couldn't have foreseen that and cannot be directly blamed as more than X's useful idiot, but that is only to illustrate the inherent pernicious nature of Dice... which Dongtae denies to this day.

      And considering how powerless she is, Eunju has risked much more trying to get people to their senses than Dongtae.

      But enough of that, think what you will, I respect your opinion. I have argued all these points extensively elsewhere and don't feel like repeating myself.

    8. Having your life threatened during your chilhood doesn't mean it's "worse" than living your life another way (like being ugly or stupid, for ex.). Ok, I'm note sure this sentence has any sense in english... What I mean is that it's not because the life of Eunju was in danger that she suffered more or anything (same for her scar).
      I speak from experience.
      She's pretty, clever, popular. Dongtae didn't have that, he was laughed. From birth, contrary to Eunju who is disliked only since some weeks/months. That doesn't mean he suffered more than her either.
      So I completely disagree about what you say about Eunju, Splicer. Just had to say it.

    9. Descartes, I think, is the one who said "Only I can know my pain". Wittgenstein disagreed, but on other grounds.

      So sure, I agree that comparing who suffered "more" is ridiculous. The sensation of suffering is entirely subjective. I was merely saying that in terms of objective threats to one's physical integrity, Eunju has experienced much worse than Dongtae, who was merely beaten.

      About her own suffering, I mean, there have been many hints that she suffered quite a lot in an earlier stage of life.

      However, all of that is insubstantial. I'm sure you disagree with me.

      Because I've gone through all of this before. No one in these comments is really bringing something new to the discussion.

      Dicescans is relatively new on the DICE scene, even though it became the point of reference for readers with its regular releases.

      However, as far as discussing the plot and the characters goes, the discussion here is at its baby steps.

      If you really want to see how far the discussion on Eunju (and other characters) has gone, you'd have to go to the Batoto comment section and to the Mangahelpers discussion forum.

      Absolutely everything you folks are saying here has been discussed at great detail.

      Eunju has been called shallow, simplistic, a hypocrite, naïve, retrograde, a Mary Sue, useless, spiteful, evil… not to mention nondescriptors like a bitch and a slut.

      I and others have written walls of text on each and every of these accusations. Every single speech of relevance of hers has been discussed in context and at face value. She is by far the most analysed character in DICE.

      So I have nothing new to say on that to you… because all has been said before and I have no reason to go back. Think what you will. I am not suggesting you go to those places and read, it would take a lot of time. I do it because she is my favourite character and I have great pleasure discussing her.

      Just so you know, there is a post in Mangahelpers discussing exactly why burying Dice (and all the other possibilities) would solve nothing for her.

      That's not to say nothing new CAN be brought to the discussion. It happened recently when we discussed at Mangahelpers whether there is a right answer to X's current proposition to her.

      But I still have to see anything of the kind here. Just saying.

    10. Funny, I'm already on Batoto as well, and I read the comments about DICE and Tower of God there. I may have read yours without paying attention to the name.
      I never intended to add any new idea to the discussion, my level of english doesn't enable me to do so. But pointing out an obvious mistake (the fact that Eunju had it "worse") is within the range of my possibilities. I thought it was important to state this.

      Contrary to what you think, I agree with you about Eunju life being more threatened than Dongtae's, and that she suffered a lot. That's why I didn't say Dongtae had it worse either. Your quote of Descartes is interesting, maybe you'll like to read "What is it like to be a bat ?', a paper from Thomas Nagel. It explains why we cannot know what it is to be someone (or something) else. :)

      Sorry if you felt my previous comment and this one as a waste of time, that was not my purpose.
      I won't insist, I can't give you anything new about this topic (my level of english, blabla, already said it).

      T'was nice reading your opinion. n_n

    11. I think it wasn't a mistake, it's just that we interpreted "worse" differently. You were thinking of subjective suffering (Nagel, Wittgenstein, Searle, Hume, lots of possible sources of quotations) and I was thinking of objective threats to physical integrity. None was wrong, it was just semantic dissonance.

      I didn't mean you disagree with me about physical threats, I meant your general disagreement with my concept of Eunju as a character. Sorry if I didn't express myself clearly.

      It has been a long time (almost a year) I stopped commenting at Batoto. If you read comments there from the very beginning, you probably read mine (they are among the longest), but I have really moved to Mangahelpers. If you didn't read them from the beginning (I'm not talking about the forums, but the comment section below the chapter list), you'd have to go quite a few pages back.

      I don't know what your first language is, but if you want to send me your impressions, you can do in French, German or Portuguese and I'll be happy to read them. Spanish will also do by its similarity to Portuguese, although I have never studied the language. Send a PM to Kendama over Mangahelpers. If I must say, though, your English is excellent.

      So far, among the people who dislike Eunju, I only have nothing to say to those that do so for purely aesthetical reasons (her characterisation doesn't appeal to their taste and they cannot present a reason other than "I don't like her" - which I respect, because not always do we have articulated reasons for our tastes), and those who dislike "Mary Sue" characters (although I disagree that she is a full-fledged Mary Sue, to be honest).

      There is a difference saying "I hate you!" and "You are a liar!". The first is a statement of emotion, we cannot really convince people to un-hate unless they themselves are willing to change their minds. The second is a verifiable assertion: within reasonable doubt, it can or cannot be true.

      So what I normally try to do is present textual evidence of why I believe Eunju is not shallow, or a hypocrite, or retrograde, or any other of what I consider to be mischaracterisations. All of that in the greater framework of what I think are the moral dilemmas presented by this series, and what the thesis of the author (assuming he has one) is.

      Chapter 80 is ready for release, and 81 is cleaned and being translated/typeset as we speak, by the way.

    12. Splicer commented without reading... I clearly said that she doesn't know that dice are indestructible, so she could at least try and fail, bother to read at least before replying... I dislike her because she does absolutly nothing NOTHING... at all
      She's a character with lots of interesting posssibilities but doesn't do a thing, I'm hoping for her to do something or at least get herself killed... but rather have her doing something interesting

    13. Now that i've read this fully, I've realised I may have chosen my words poorly, so I'll try to clarify what I was trying to say:
      I do not dislike the character per se (actually I really liked a couple things about her that I'll list at the end of this comment);
      What I don't like is that the character could've brought very interesting situations the way it is in the last 3 to 4 chapters but nothing happened and that makes me think of her as a useless or at least unseized character.

      (the things I liked about her are: that she went to the choir competition alone hoping for everything to go back to normal, that she asked out Taebin, that she hasn't misslead Dongtae, that she hides whatever happened to her and why she is alone even when telling about it could make others stop seeing her as the "perfect girl with a perfect life" that everyone thinks she is; I like that she is so strong, enough to withstand all that happened to her and not to give up, nor even to someone as influential as X)

    14. @Anonymous 1:

      I admit I misread your comment. But you know, destroying the Dice wouldn't solve anything. I won't go into detail why, because I've written about it months ago, but the way I see it, there's no reason for her even to bother trying.

  3. enju is a nice person yet she give me an irritating attitude about her perfectness =____=

  4. Eunju has experienced worse things. Agreed, why didn't she succumb to the dice temptation ? Back home, Eunju looked at mirror naked, "OMG! I'm so f-ing sexy and beautiful yet so smart in studies" that's why.


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