Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Yep, that dreaded word. I can't keep the blog up and maintain my grades (mainly because I have no self-control and I lose myself in useless Internet things once I touch the computer).

Chapter 69 (or whatever ch we're on) will be posted sometime this week.
Hopefully I'll be back after midterms are over.
Bye for now~

PS. Don't bother flaming. This probably sounds mean to some of you, but DICE is not an obligation.


  1. Get some rest broski ^_^ thanks for doing this btw ^_^

  2. We will be here for you, Jin, when you are ready! Concentrate on your grades, focus on real life and don't forget to take some time just to stare at empty space and clear your mind every now and then!

    I sometimes think of keeping away from the computer myself… but my job involves its use all the time, unfortunately. Alas, alas!

  3. Thanks for all the work you four have done so far! Even if this project cannot be continued, the amount of dedication during these 3 months has shown through in the quality of your releases. Best wishes from an avid reader!

  4. No worries, you have done a lot of good here already. We will just wait for your midterms to be over. When are they over, btw?

  5. We appreciate all your hard work so much :D

  6. Hey, again from Perú, don't sweat it man, school comes first...thanks for the effort...

  7. Yep, good luck with your exams, and see you in 3 weeks.

    Nobody's gonna flame on the unique hard work you're doing ;)

  8. Thx for your posting!
    I was really glad to find this blog, because i couldn't find dice anywhere.
    good luck in your term!

  9. How can you do that to us ?!... ;D I understand your difficulty to focus when on the internet. I had the same thing. Good luck for your term !

  10. -_- wow wtf are you doing dont stop translating

    Just kidding, take your time.

  11. Midterms are hell, good luck! :D

  12. have fun and enjoy life......... Lol Harvard!!!

  13. What classes are you taking?

  14. I just had to write here - thanks so much for everything you've done. You've given us all the opportunity to read this amazing story in a high quality in such a timely manner. Sorry to see you on hiatus but best of luck on your exams! Kick some ass!

  15. Same as everyone, GL for your mid-terms, and come back when you can !

  16. nobody blames u for putting school first, if someone does well screw them !
    thx for the hard work

  17. Do what you gotta do dude :D

  18. Did you need help ? You can just translate the text and other people add translation on the picture.

    (If you haven't time I understand)

  19. Kfnmpah and I have been able to do everything, so editorial staff is not the problem. Jin herself is busy with school work and needs a break from translation. Thanks for offering, though.

  20. I've had midterms every week of October and my last one is this week. Take your time and study hard Jin! I'm sure everyone else is preoccupied in other business so it won't be a long wait~

  21. hope u back soon and get good result :)

  22. Thanks for your hard work! We all understand that you have more important things in your life and I appreciate every second that you manage to spend on DICE. Wish you luck on school affairs!

  23. Good luck on the schooling. Making a living is more important than a story, until that story becomes your livelihood, and even then your life and health is still more important.

  24. I hate people who acts responsible at first and in the end act as douchebags

    1. Why do you say that ?

    2. I am also curious. What is your meaning, anon?

    3. Prbly because jinn said that he would put the 69th chapter last week and didn't do it. As for me I just hope this site keeps going I can wait plus we're only down 2 chapters that's nothing......but the addict in me wants them NOW!!!
      Cheers!!! I have midterms too but I'm dedicated to mangas/manhwas (reading them) loool

    4. Ugh. I knew that somebody would start whining at some point.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Argh, I make your words mine, Baran. However, I must say I am surprised that it took so long, I expected more people to go nuts much earlier.

      As for chapter 69, Jin was unable to translate the last page before her hiatus. The rest of the chapter is typeset and redrawn, so it will be up very quickly when she is back. So, anon, please try to keep you addiction bottled up as I keep mine.

      I don't know about your midterms, anon, but Jin takes hers very seriously, is her school valedictorian and when she says "hiatus" she means it, i.e. no translating or dawdling in the internet until she is done with her more important affairs.

      I understand your feelings, though. I started helping out here because I couldn't wait either. But please do try to show some of her tenacity and wait patiently... it's still much quicker than learning Korean, in any case.

    7. hey I agreed I was just stating what I thought the first anon meant not me. lol plus lately they started pumping out red storm and world trigger so I'm a happy camper looooool

    8. Oh, sorry, then, my mistake, I thought you were the same person. I see I read your post carelessly. I'm also an addict.

    9. Hi anon, sorry if you think I'm a douche and think I'm irresponsible.

      You're completely correct (the irresponsible part, I'm in denial about the douche part). However, if I were to truly be responsible, I would have stopped blogging long ago.
      But I keep doing it anyway not because I love doing it but because I want to do it for the readers (there's a difference or I might just be going haywire from lack of sleep and overdose on psychology texts in fact this whole reply is pretty incoherent).

      And if it makes you feel any happier, I haven't even finished reading the chapters. Yeah, life is hard.

    10. Don't rise to that bait, Jin, this kind of comment isn't even worth responding (although I do it anyway).

      With scanlation, we come in contact with some ugly aspects of human nature (more than any psychology textbook can teach you). Like people who can complain about other people's self-effaced acts of kindness. Fortunately, I can also assure you that they are in the minority and most people are supportive.

      I remember that in one of your earlier posts you mentioned rude emails that complained about the quality of your work. Unfortunately, these will always come, no matter how much you improve. Unless, of course, you ban comments and block all email. Sometimes, I think of doing that and only releasing my translations anonymously in the net.

      Now go back to what you need to do, and don't forget to get sleep, it improves memory! We'll hold down the fort here and scold the nonentities who come to whine while you are away.

      And if you need any help, I am a trained cell biologist, feel free to ask anything! ;)

    11. Jin you're awesome........that's it.
      Thank you for doing DICE.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Just noticed something with one of splicer answers... Is Jin a guy or a girl ? .-.

    1. Omg, sry abouy that Jin >< .... Always treated you as a man in my comments...

    2. Nah it's fine. After all, this is the Internet we're talking about.

  27. Patiently waiting, appreciate alot. :)

  28. Jin is super nice, fellas! She broke her hiatus quickly to finish the last two panels of chapter 69. It's already in the reader.


Thanks for your comment! It'll be posted shortly after review (we've had some spam lately).