Sunday, September 7, 2014

DICE Chapter 57

It's early! Major thanks to Anon/The Splicer for typesetting this chapter for me! Dongtae... why you waste timestop on Eunju T^T Enjoy!

Spliced version: the author! Give him some pageclicks :)


  1. Ahahahh you're awesome dude! Thanks again for translating these for us!!!!!

  2. can you rearrage the panels some are abit off

    1. Oof... sorry about that. I'll go fix it right now.

    2. Okay, you removed the panels from their wrong positions, but aren't you going to put them in their right places?

    3. I re-read the above and it sounded really rude. Sorry, man, do it when you can. Thanks for your hard work!

    4. It's fine no offense taken. I can't seem to find the mistake though. I'll recheck with the raw again.

    5. You'll probably find for yourself, but the missing panels are the ones where Dongtae says "it's not my blood" and goes away, right after he activates Time Pause. The spliced chapter is correct.

    6. Thanks! I'll change it once I get home to my PC.

    7. Splicer here.

      There is still one panel missing in the blog version, number d27.jpg. It goes between d26 and d28.

    8. Ok it's fixed now. Thanks for notifying me.
      I should really start spot-checking before updating...

  3. Thank you! You're the best!

  4. Even faster than expected once again, you're awesome!

  5. Thank you so much for the reminder!

  6. As soon as I finish the English translations I find this blog. Thank you kind sir.

  7. Thanks other site either don't have it yet or jump chapter from 56 to 61. I got info about this site from someone comment on mangahere lucky i decided to check it out thanks to him/her i get to continue to read this

  8. nice keep them coming thank you ,i just found this website just now :D

  9. hope mio is his last love...
    dont wanna to he going out with that scar arrogant eunjuu!

  10. What the hell is wrong with Eunju asking Taebin out? He pretty much seemed like the perfect guy? Why would she not fall for him? Dongtae is acting like such a baby but I guess that could be seen as just being human. Finding out that it was Eunju who was interested in Taebin probably finally drove in the point that she's not interested in him in that way (though knowing Eunju, she's probably just saying that so Dongtae won't blame Taebin). This is good though, even though Eunju is generally the better girl, Dongtae fit a lot more with Mio. I only hope that they both revert back to their original selves at the end; if Mio can love him for his original self than he should be to do the same for her.

    Some things that I don't like right now. 1) Dongtae is being considered as becoming stronger as a person but he's not really. If everyone was on equal grounds on dice power than yeah but he's clearly much more powerful than them so he's pretty much just flexing his superior powers, which is not the same as emotional strength. 2) Taebin is pretty much turned a jackass just so Dongtae can show how much of a great guy he is. Bleh.

  11. thankyou so much :)


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