Monday, March 9, 2015

DICE Ch. 87

I have ten minutes so no lengthy drabble today. I realize dicescans released relatively quickly prior to the brouhaha, but don't take it for granted that future releases are going to be as early. As for the chapter 90 schmeal, I have no idea whether I can continue after 90, but I'll see what I can do. Oh gosh, it ended up as a lengthy drabble. ...I tried? And of course, this chapter in all its glory would not be here if it wasn't for Splicer and Fabio. Enjoy~

Link to raw (support the author!):

And WITCH HUNT chapter links are below:
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
These were typeset and cleaned by montegum :D


  1. The chapter is also in the reader.

  2. Great work guys Thanks for putting time and effort into these, so much anticipation with these chapters.

  3. oh wow, i wonder who's in defense.
    Thanks for the chapter!:)

  4. Thanks again for the chapter Dicescans. You guys are great

  5. Why only 14 A-rankers? Not 16?

    Thanks for the chapter!

    1. There were 16 A-Rankers, and 17 A-Rank Dice originally (as we seen in chapters 52-56, Mooyoung had two skills originally, so there was one more Die around).

      Mooyoung killed Gilma, so 15 people.

      Sungchul died, but Professor Kim took his Die, so still 15 people.

      Miju died. Therefore, if we have 14 A-Rankers, this means Eunju hasn't rolled Miju's Die yet and is not an A-Ranker, for a total of 16 activated A-Rank Dice (Mooyoung has three now).

    2. I've got a feeling that Eunju may become a deciding factor in this battle should she choose to roll that dice and join the fight. There weren't any rules about activating an unused A-rank dice and choosing a side in the middle of the war. That might make for an interesting plot twist. On another note, I'm thinking that the red tracksuit kid may have purposely betrayed Dongtae and organized the entire attacking team, all with the intent of destroying Dongtae. Supposing that Mio took Dongtae's advice and hid herself on the Neutral side and that Taebin chose "defense" in order to avoid Mooyoung, who obviously chose the "attack" side, we can say that Dongtae and Taebin, who are already arguably the two most well-known A-rankers, probably are gonna have a tough time trying to win this fight.

  6. Shit is going to get down, I've been waiting for this <3 I hope we get to see some actions from Eunju too- since she's not gonna roll I wonder if she gives the Dice to Dongtae :> Ahhhh great job to u ppl <3

  7. my best guess: mio picked defence right at the end and taebin picked attack in order to track the attackers and teamkill (x never said you couldn't earn dice from ally pvp)

    1. I think that is a great strategy if you are not willing to get dices. Taebin is smart I think you are right

  8. I'm really interested to see what this teacher is capable of. He seems pretty sure of himself, but I don't think he understands the height of other dicers' skill.

    1. I'm curious, too. I think he is (over)confident in the surprise factor, as none of the others (except for the glasses kid and the hooded person) imagines a teacher can be a Dicer.

      Professor Kim is very weak compared to other A Rankers because he only collected four blue Dice from Sungchul's body. However, if he manages to defeat just one Dicer, he can harvest dozens of Dice (Mio alone has 125 blue Dice).

      So it's not impossible. The thing that is hardcore about Dicership is that one can become powerful very quickly, and lose everything even faster. Gilma was a case in point: from wimp to A Rank cult leader to stiff in just a few days.

  9. Maybe it would be interesting if Mooyoung is on Defense with Dongtae. You never know, maybe the reward for being on defense is worth it.

    If he's not on defense I would assume he's neutral, just because I feel like him being on the attacking side would lead to confrontation with Dongtae, and it is too early for that.

  10. Yes i agree about that. I also think that Mooyung is on the Defense Team and the guy his with is on the Attack side. His sidekick will do ally pvp the same as Taebin who also choosed Attack. That way they will caught those A-Ranker on the attack side off guard. My guess is this:
    Defense Team = Dong Tae, Mooyung
    Attack Team = Taebin, Mooyung's sidekick, Heaphone guy, etc
    Neutral = Mio

    1. I don't think Mio is neutral, otherwise she wouldn't have something she needs to tell Dongtae.

      For dramatic effect, I think Dongtae's prediction will be completely wrong, and his partner will be either Mio or someone he didn't really consider (it would be hilarious if it were Daewoong).

      I think Taebin, Che-Hyun or maybe even Mio might have decided to be in the Attack team to sabotage it from within

      I'm pretty sure Professor Kim is also in the Attack team, because it's the quickest way to earn lots of Dice and since he has only a few…

      For Mooyoung, it doesn't make much sense to be in Defence, because X has stated that Defenders cannot earn PVP Dice. This means that even if Mooyoung defeats an A-Ranker, he cannot absorb their skill if he is Defending (I assume the Die will simply vanish and go back to X).

      I'm curious about the Neutral team: they cannot earn Dice from the War, but can they engage in normal PVP? If so, it may make more sense for Mooyoung to stay Neutral and prey on members from both other teams.

    2. But the defense team gets a special bonus. Perhaps Mooyoung knows what the bonus is (if the game has been played before?), and the bonus is worth being on defense. Plus. Mooyoung is probably strong enough to deal with the defense's handicap, if he indeed chooses defense.

      Also, about the defense not gaining PvP dice... I wonder if that is referring to a bonus amount of dice, or just regular dice. I may be wrong, but I believe PvP is how you gain the A-ranker dice (and thus other powers, which is why Mooyoung killed Taebin's friends). If the defenders can't get the A-ranker dice from PvP then they should avoid Pvp altogether?? Because in order to face X you need all 6 A-ranker abilities.

      The other possibility is to selectively PvP, so that the people with the A-ranker abilities you need survive and you can PvP them later for their abilities. That adds a degree of difficulty to being defense, though.

      I like your point about the Neutral team, though. If they can engage in Normal PvP then neutral seems the best choice for Mooyoung (assuming he doesn't want the special reward from defense).

  11. This was a great chapter. Thanks for picking DICE back up

  12. love u guys, thank u for picking up Dice again!!

  13. poor man dongtae why is it always like that huh??
    this twist i dont kinda like it especially when there's eunjuu there -_-

    i hate that girl!ahahaha


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