Saturday, April 4, 2015

DICE Ch. 90

<DON'T GET EXCITED IT'S NOT CH. 91> Ch. 90 aka y'all probably read this on deathtoll already. It's a blogging thing. this even considered blogging anymore? And is it just me or do those numbers on the dice for the chapter title look awkward.

Splicer and Fabio did magic stuff to produce this.
This week's release (not this one, Ch. 91) will be translated by Jun. More on that later :)


  1. Thank you so much for your effort!I know you're very busy with your study but i appreciate your hard work!Again,thank you for another great chapter!

  2. Thank you sooooo much !

  3. Wow for a second I felt like I was talked to. Then I was like 'wtf they're talking about someone else I can't speak a single word of Korean and I only said I could redraw'
    Thanks for scaring the shit outta me :(
    Anyways, I'm looking forward to the new chapter and thanks to you guys <3

  4. Thank you to whoever translated it!


Thanks for your comment! It'll be posted shortly after review (we've had some spam lately).