Tuesday, April 7, 2015

DICE, chapter 91 (reader)

Thanks to Jun's aboveboard translation work and Fábio's wonderful redrawing as always, here's the chapter:


For the first, and hopefully only time, we have strayed from our (unsaid, unofficial) policy of not distracting you readers with watermarks, credit pages, logos or announcements attached to the art. I've included a plea asking for translators, merely because the manga aggregators will pick up the chapter and thus the plea will reach readers who don't come to Dicescans, meaning we might be able to get the attention of a translator.

If we don't, then Dicescans will remain dormant until chapter 98, and restart afterwards (in case no one else decides to pick the series up during the period, otherwise we go back to being heartless leeches of society).


Thanks for your comment! It'll be posted shortly after review (we've had some spam lately).