Tuesday, May 19, 2015

DICE Ch. 97

Hi folks. I feel so lazy these days. Enjoy~  (Leaving out credits since there's a page)

Aw shoot. http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=557676&weekday= there. Haven't done that in a while. Support teh author by checking out the raw! (LINE is another option, too, I suppose)

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  1. Replies
    1. Whew, thank you.
      I guess I really took the lazy part to heart.

  2. When will the official translations reach the chapters you've translated?
    I'm not sure if those will need to be removed or if they could stay up.

    1. I don't think the official translations will catch up any time soon unless they start doing 2 chapters per week like Magician. The 2-3 chapters/week deal for Magician exists most likely because the series has 200-300 chapters out in English. Since DICE only has 97, the chances LINE will bother to catch up in the near future is slim. (DICE is more popular, though, so maybe I'm completely off the mark)

    2. I think Draeke meant when LINE will reach the point where Dicescans started.

      In that case, the answer is: they reached it this week, when they released chapter 50, which is the first one Jin did. If we count by the first chapter of ours that was good enough in terms of edition to be added to the reader, that was 57 and they will reach it in seven weeks.

      However, there is no need to worry about removal of our chapters. After all, Silent Sky chapters are still in their reader even though they translated 1-51, which are the ones LINE has already done.

      I think Naver only bothers to ask for removal of their chapters from big aggregators like Batoto. Dicescans has a decent readership, but if we go by the number of comments each chapter receives there and here, LINE draws many more DICE readers than we, probably because these include people who want to read the webtoon in their smartphones, which is not easily done with our releases here because Blogger is not smartphone-friendly.

      So we're not depleting their readership significantly. It's unlikely they will come after us.

      I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will never bother to turn up their translation pace. We would definitely drop the series if they ever caught up, but it would be horrible to read DICE in LINE… their typesetting is amateurish, they compress the JPEG images so much lines become blurry and colours become faded, and although their translation is good and includes SFX, they don't proofread it and thus the text sounds awfully stilted.

  3. What i hate about this manhwa, is eunjoo and dongtae liking her...can't he just forget about this girl and move on.sheesh!

    1. I agree.

      She is too good for him. He should stay with someone on his league, like Mio.

    2. Well he sort of has let go of his "love" of Eunju, he said so to Mio though we aren't for sure which he actually likes more.

    3. Nah!. i didn't even think he ever let go. Letting go means you got nothing to do with that person. what he is now is just, he is STUCK!. he still has feelings for eunjoo.
      -comment on top is mine-

    4. Wow I had to look back further than I thought to find this but.... Like I said Dongtae has let go of his "Love" for Eunju yes he still has feelings for it's just the silly notion he thought was love that is gone, this was made clear in chapter 80 when he was talking to Mio just after she became an A Ranker; then in chapter 82 his status read "Likes Eunju quite a bit, Likes Mio too" To me it seems as though he has started to lean more towards Mio in these latest chapters while Eunju is still stuck on Taebin.

  4. Whenever there is a release, I roam the main discussion forums as the chapter leaks to the aggregators.

    Discussion varies in depth, but it never goes very deep. I guess it's because this series is mostly read as a shoonen supernatural action series. And that's perfectly okay. Exceptions being Mangahelpers, Batoto (before the series was removed) and occasionally here.

    It also varies in scope but, as I predicted in my post of the reader version, the discussion can now be summarised as:

    "I HATE Eunjoo! That bitch/cunt/slut/whore should just DIE!"

    I'm not kidding. All the comments at Kissmanga so far are variations of the above, for example. Ditto for Mangahere.

    Amusing, really. I'm long past the time when I would be annoyed or disturbed by these comments, but because they are enjoying a resurfacing now, I think they merit some examination.

    I didn't write it down, but I also anticipated why the Eunju-haters would run amok: they would be raging at Eunjoo's seeking Taebin after having been rejected by him.

    Let's leave aside the fact that nothing so far indicates that she wants to convince him to resume their relationship: so far, all we know is that she wants to ask him something.

    I wonder how many Eunjoo-haters have even realised that she is doing nothing remotely as pathetic (if that's what they think of it, which differs to my own opinion) as Dongtae's own attempts to ingratiate himself with her for months, in full knowledge that she was dating Taebin. I mean, he fell really low by these standards when he thought of the visit to Byeongcheol's mother alongside Eunjoo as a surrogate for a true date.

    In other words, it's okay for Dongtae to pine away in his lovelorn doldrums for as long as it takes, but if Eunjoo wants to talk to her former boyfriend TWO DAYS after being ditched without an explanation in the middle of a scene in a crowded street, she must burn in hell for eternity. Heck, even hell is too good for her!

    (I wonder whether there is a pattern in operation here. People cut Baam of ToG infinite slack for his being after Rachel under the assumption that he wants an "explanation". What am I to make of this? That women are evil if they ditch men, and pitiful wretches if they go after them when they are themselves ditched?

    What's the definition of "hypocrisy" again? Wait, that's one of the things Eunjoo-haters accuse HER of!)

    By the way, after a long time I've finally found a piece of criticism of Eunjoo that is truly original. Absurd nonetheless, but original.

    Get a load of this: a person said she is "indecisive", "avoiding Dice and at the same time asking questions and throwing herself into it".

    When I saw that, I stared at the comment in gaping disbelief for a good ten seconds.

    Throwing herself into it? Eunjoo? Hello-oo?

    No one has ever pronounced herself more firmly on the whole Dice issue than Eunjoo! She risked her life to make clear where she stands! If anything, she has been "thrown into it" by others: by X, by Dongtae, by Taebin, by Gilma, by Mijoo, you name it!

    And I wonder what is wrong with asking questions about something that made your life into hell. I suppose she ought to have taken it all lying down and silently?

    Once I said that the author was examining real nature, in the great tradition of moral tales.

    Now I'm afraid he is uncovering, in unexpected ways, more about human nature than I would like to know.

  5. I think one of the great reasons for all this Eunjoo/Rachel hate is the past experiences of the readers..

    IMO most readers associate their actions with girls who friendzoned them, and because of that start to hate the characters without trying to understand them.

    It seems everyone simply ignored the piano scene and still sees the situation as "eunjoo sticked with the pretty jerk guy instead of the ugly gold hearted dongtae" ( btw pointing taebin as jerk because we didnt knew quests where desires back than, and so there were reasons to think he was dating her only for dice )

    And to make things worse, both protagonists end up entering in some really dangerous situations because of this "love", making you see these 2 characters as a threat to the beloved always-do-good hero ( even when they never asked for help, and the hero got inside the trouble mostly because of his own choices ).

    1. If that is true, then friendzoning is the scourge of our times and we ought to be petitioning the authorities to do something about it! XD

      Well, more seriously, I am not sure friendzoning is that important a factor, after all our poll suggests that hatred of Eunjoo is quite widespread and rangs both genders. The comment on her indecisiveness was posted by a girl.

      I will refrain from speculating further. Trying to derive social psychology insights based on readers' tastes is a very slippery slope.

    2. Hum... Never had found ( or realized ) some girls were hating them too... Tough girls are friendzoned too, it's not as frequent as with male manga fans and thus I may have gone rly beyond on my ideas hahaha xD

      Btw, I based my opinion on the fact that in most of these friendzone cases, the "victim" usually gets angry with the situation either because for them they would be a "perfect match", but the loved one don't give them a chance while not giving an understandable reason or because they prefer to stick with the "jerk".

      In Dice, Eunjoo ends up with Taebin ( the "jerk" at the time ) instead of the "sweet" Dongtae .

      And in ToG, neither the readers nor Bam are able to understand Rachel's motives to climb alone and not accept Bam's help.

      But I agree with you, trying to derive social psychology insights based on readers' tastes is a very slippery slope hahaha.

  6. Chapter 98 was short and easy for DICE standards. It's fully typeset and there are only four redraws left. So we may have an early release, possibly Monday.

  7. Hmmm… yep, this is trolling.

  8. Just chiming in here. Eunju is probably the least interesting/most annoying character, but that doesn't make her character absolutely appalling. She's at least had character development. But she's very stubborn, I think. Furthermore, people are saying she chose the "jerk" Taebin over the "good guy" Dongtae. Taebin is not solely defined as being a jerk, he's got some tough issues due to his past. Dongtae, on the other hand, is by no means a typical good guy. His moral decisions are questionable.

    Then again, these characters are all teenagers whose emotions are always all over the place thanks to puberty. So yeah.

    1. I know this is obvious, but you might want to emphasise that she is the least interesting/most annoying character… in your opinion.

      In my opinion, she is the most interesting character, the one I like the most and the main reason I am scanlating this.

      I really won't develop it now, but what you call stubborness I call tenacity. When everyone else has jumped at the opportunity literally to become a pawn in X's game, she saw Dice for what they were and resisted them. She is the only one who thought things through… but I have written so much about that already that I won't do it again not to clutter the page.

      Well, at least this criticism is new. I'll add it to the current list. So far, she has been called shallow, stupid, naïve, evil, a hypocrite, a Luddite, perfect (yeah, nowadays that seems to be an insult), useless, insensitive, weak, indecisive, fickle… in addition to nondescriptors as ugly, annoying and a whore.

      ToG's Rachel is more hated by a narrow margin, but Eunju is hated in more ways. It's remarkable.


Thanks for your comment! It'll be posted shortly after review (we've had some spam lately).