Saturday, July 4, 2015

A (parallel) DICE Wikia

I've been working on this for a while now, and Jin told me some time ago it was okay to make a post telling about it when I felt it was good enough to be seen.

Some of you may know there is a DICE page at Wikia. It is the first one that turns up when one googles for one, and I also think it is the one that comes up from the search engine at Wikia itself.

Well, it so happens there is another one. It was created not long after the better-known one, but its layout is not so good and it was abandoned by the founder, so it fell into oblivion.

I found it by accident and decided to work on it. Because I am not the founder, I cannot change its basic appearance or improve the front page much, but I've used it to make a thorough, richly illustrated list of character profiles. Right now, it has almost double the number of articles and much more content than the better-known Wikia.

(Why did I work on an abandoned Wikia instead of the better-looking, one? I had my reasons, so please don't ask. How do I know it has twice more content? Because I was also the one who contributed 80% of the content of the other one. Yeah, weird stuff happens.)

DICE is not so complex in terms of characters and plot as other webtoons, so there isn't so much to write about, but I hope this page will be of interest to those who want to refresh their memories of past events in the series. Everyone is of course welcome to contribute content.

Because the front page is ugly and useless, I'm linking the Wiki about Dice, and from there you can follow hyperlinks to find other character pages. What is missing badly right now is a page that lists all characters and which can be used as a better departure point.

Here it is:

The other DICE Wikia

I am bad with templates, so if someone could improve the character infobox, I'd be grateful. Also, because this is a solo effort, it is unavoidable that it will reflect my biases, and for that I apologise in advance. I've tried to be fair, though, but probably some opinion got mixed with the factual content.

Since the other Wikia is more "serious", I allowed myself to be a little less encyclopaedic and used some humour, especially in figure legends. Some of the text in the two Wikias may look similar because, as I said, I wrote both.

Feedback is welcome, both here and there. ^^


  1. This is great ! BTW what do you mean by "improving the character infobox" ? I'm sorry english is not my first langage and although I did work on some wikis, it was (alas) never in english ...

    1. Among other things, I cannot make the "First appearance" field editable, its content is the same of the "Status" field. I also cannot make the fields that are not relevant disappear (for example, for non-Dicer characters there are very few fields that actually matter).

      Thanks for the interest.

  2. Is it possible to just create a character page and hyperlink their profile pages on there? I'm guessing you're talking about the wikia's dedicated character page though.

    1. It is. The page actually exists, but it is one of the few places I have not touched, what is there is from before I found the site and thus very incomplete.

  3. Replies
    1. Waiting for what? Chapter 102? We released it last Thursday!

    2. No mr. splicer, episode 103... i still waiting... it's awesome story... i love your work about that... ;)

    3. Well, this chapter is redraw-heavy. It is cleaned and half-translated, but the redraws will take a while. Remember, early releases are freebies, we allow ourselves the whole week to produce the chapter.

    4. Ey ey- it's hard to choose translating DICE over shoving my face full of delicious barbecue on a 4th of July weekend. Just like Splicer said, those early releases are freebies. That being said, I do plan on finishing the script today or tomorrow.

  4. Coooool!! i'll try to help with this a little n.n

  5. nice work Splicer. but.. i dunno.. you wrote that the Hood's ability is psychokinesis. that could be, but i don't see any real clue or proof in the story for that. it's the same with X's article: you say that he is the boy from the prologue, and that might be very well the case. i think so too. but the point is, noone can call these theories a fact. i don't want to offend you, i just wanted to tell you that writing it that way is false in my opinion.

    there's one other thing about dice which came back to my mind when i read your wiki. X himself already said that he "deleted" Byunchul because of his hacking attempts. But iirc, X gave out a quest to Dongtae which could have saved him. I still don't get X's idea at all.

    1. Yes, but you will notice that I wrote on Hood: "seems to", and if I remember correctly, I put a (?) next to Psychokinesis. The derivative skill always reflects an aspect of the main skill, and the only skill that could manipulate the density of air if it were evolved is Psychokinesis.

      About X, frankly, we have seen his silhouette in recent chapters, and there is really no way around it: I find it easier to leave the article as it is and then correct if the author trolls us than to add lots of "possibly", "probably" and "it is speculated that" only to remove them later when it is confirmed. There isn't a single shred of evidence in the whole story that the boy in the prologue is anyone other than X. I mean, if you look closely at his picture on chapter 101, we can see he is still wearing the same oversize T-shirt as the boy in the prologue.

      I had in mind not only to write the facts, but to put them in a coherent way that would leave lunatic fringe speculation out. Like Mooyoung being Dongtae from the future: there isn't one inkling of a clue for that being the case.

      As for X's quest to Dongtae, I think it is just his mischievous nature in action. He gave Dongtae a quest when it was already too late, in my opinion. Dongtae would risk his neck just to see, from the window, Byungchul's corpse splattered on the floor. And by giving him the quest, he made sure Dongtae would be consumed by guilt later for having turned it down (as in effect happened). He was just messing with Dongtae's mind. X does whatever ensures the greatest fun, and sending Dicers in fool's errands is one of his favourites. Why just kill Byungchul if you can kill him AND make Dongtae find the corpse? Or even better, refuse the quest and them be mortified forever?

      He did that with Eunju, too: he proposed her becoming a Dicer to save Miju and Sungchul when it was already too late. He had nothing to lose, and if she accepted, he would have defeated her in the battle of wills and her failure to save them would be the icing in the cake. Too bad that she is cleverer than that.

    2. Moreover, the cops could've thought dongtae tried to burn down the school and maybe, killed byeongcheol... just speculating.

  6. this makes sense. even more when compared to eunju's case like you did. you really are good at this stuff ^^

  7. Well... how about back enjuries eunju when she saved with dontae...
    The fell of eunju said, she didn't perfect in the classroom when mio talk with her...
    It's mistery for me...
    Please tell me anyone... ^^


Thanks for your comment! It'll be posted shortly after review (we've had some spam lately).