Thursday, July 9, 2015

DICE Ch. 103

It's ant season folks. And being the awful human being I am, I decided to kill the colonies from the inside out in the least humane way available to me. Oh well. This chapter's script took so long because I got frustrated at internet slang terms. Enjoy~


  1. He doesn't "kill" him so it will look like an accident, X will give the attacking team the victory this round cuz the target died and the teacher committed suicide really, so nobody can point at the dicer-teacher

  2. when i read the conversation between X and Kim i came to think that X is doing all this DICE-stuff because he had such a sad and awful childhood like all the other villains.. i hoped he would be something more special than a spoiled brat.

    somehow, i have the feeling that the teacher won't die, especially not in the next chapter because that would be too easy. sure, a lot of people died until now, but i think the author won't kill off this old and harmless NPC. too cruel :(!

    1. Well, there is some irony in this, you know, because Dongtae, Mio, Taebin and Eunju have all had their share of suffering so far and yet have remained mostly moral. So in a way X was the first victim of Dice.

      Come to think of it, I believe no matter what his background had been, if you gave a child amazing power they would probably become like X. X is the problem, but Dice themselves are a corrupting influence.

      And really, I think it has been established beyond reasonable doubt, unless the author trolls us later, that X is the kid in the prologue, so we know for a thing what his origin: an awful childhood as you say. I don't think this was ever supposed to be a source of speculation.

    2. Sad awful childhoods are dime a dozen in fiction, though.
      I'd say a spoiled brat is actually more original.

  3. Small correction: we missed a zero in the exchange between won and dollar. Ten billion won amount to almost nine million, not 900,000 US dollars.

  4. Come this way... come to the dark side we got cookies.


  5. Oh man I love this teacher. He's such an interesting and fresh antagonist in this story that's focused mainly on children so far. And what a devious way to kill the 2nd period target!

  6. Thank you Splicer, Jin, and Fabio!! ^_^

  7. Okay, new reader here:
    - X is the Episode 0 kid, which received a bunch of dices including all the types we saw and maybe more.
    - He used the world changing dice to become X and replicate the dices at will.
    - Muyoung doesn't care about being a damn slaughtering psycho because with clairvoyance he was able to remember his pre-death state and the unfairness of people's life being decided like that.
    - Muyong's objective is to get the world changing dice for changing the very source of the unfairness, that is, the moment we're born
    - The original dices' source is beyond any logic reach. Maybe an Ellimist just felt too sorry for the kid?

  8. When the chapter 104 will be attend...???i"ll wait...

    1. Well, since you seem to be new here, and it is always good to give people a reminder, I'll answer.

      Dicescans commits, in principle, to same-week releases, except when unforeseen real life matters bar one or more of us from delivering (and actually, it's perfectly possible that in a given week we decide to take a break).

      However, we allow ourselves the entire week to produce the chapter. The rule are mid-to-late week releases, and it's not even inconceivable that we release on Friday night or even Saturday morning before the next chapter is out on Saturday afternoon (GMT). Yes, sometimes we release early: in the past, we have even done Sunday releases. But these are freebies, when we're in a good mood, or have nothing else to do, or the chapter is especially easy. Don't count on early week releases or you will be disappointed.

    2. Haven't touched the script yet due to life (and seasickness).

  9. And thanks for fobio,jin and all very" help me to read this comic.
    . :) :D


Thanks for your comment! It'll be posted shortly after review (we've had some spam lately).