Monday, August 3, 2015

DICE, chapter 107 (reader)

Monday release for all the heartless leeches of society!

DICE 107

This chapter was exceptionally easy, and short for DICE standards, too. (So don't go thinking Monday releases are the new normal, because they aren't.)

As always, visit the original release at Naver and support the author.

And as always, consider cringing at the latest LINE official English release.


  1. Dongtae and Mio looked so cute back then, now they've got this heroic thing going on.

  2. Did Taebin actually cause the dice to spread? I thought Dongtae followed him while he was already on a quest and that's how Dongtae got his.

    1. True, but that only happened because Taebin kept asking X for quests and accepting them. The point is that Taebin couldn't resist the temptation of improving himself even more and that paved the way for X to find an opportunity to lure Dongtae into Dicership. If Taebin had been honest in his stated goal of breaking the cycle, he would have refrained from having anything to do with X and quests.

      The bigger point being that Dice cannot be resisted and thus will always lead to misery.

    2. I don't know. If he were focused on improving himself then how could he have known that X would've used him as a chance to spread the dice if it hasn't happened to him before? I thought all the dicers that Taebin knew were a result of Mooyoung personally giving out dice.

    3. Well… he had Mooyoung's warning that everything would start over no matter where he went. Taebin ought to be on his guard if only because of that. And in fact, given that X gave him a quest to make Dongtae into an ally, and Taebin originally accepted, the truth of the matter is that he wasn't so careful about not spreading Dice as he claimed to Dawn. I do believe he is trying to evade responsibility. At the very least, he ought to have known that Dice are ultimately noxious.

    4. But we need to consider how X plays into all of this as well. I highly doubt that X would watch such a boring development. I wouldn't put it past X to start issuing really quick and easy quests to Taebin. Just for temptation to get him back into the routine. Not to mention that Taebin had just been betrayed pretty severely, so he could have also wanted to get stronger to be able to face Mooyung on even ground.

    5. True, and very sad while being true, because while it provides some extenuating circumstances to Taebin, it makes it even clearer how impossible it is to break the loop from within. Taebin is proof that Dongtae's desperate clinging to the notion that Dice are not bad is just that, desperate wishful thinking. I find it intriguing that even X seems to be amused by Dongtae's belief that Dice can solve anything, if only X is removed out of the equation.


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